Being noticed for your looks can be a good thing, but when prominent or unevenly placed ears draw too much attention, they can become a source of self-consciousness that can damage your positive feelings about yourself and affect your interactions with others. Ear reshaping with Dr. Raffi Hovsepian can be the answer.
Preparing for Ear Reshaping
Your Preparation
Before your procedure, Dr. Raffi Hovsepian and his highly experienced aesthetic team will meet with you to make sure you understand your procedure and recovery process thoroughly, and to answer any questions you may have. Education, safety, and privacy are our goals, and we’ll work closely with you to make sure we’ve talked you through everything you need to know about your procedure so that you can be as comfortable as possible.
On the Day
You’ll need to begin fasting about eight hours prior to your procedure, which means you cannot eat or drink anything at all during this period, including chewing gum or drinking water.
If Dr. Hovsepian has instructed you to take any medications in the morning, this is permitted with a few sips of water. We’ll thoroughly talk through any preparations that might be necessary.