Introducing the groundbreaking “Model Makeover Jawline-Neck Enhancement” procedure, pioneered by the highly acclaimed Triple Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Raffi Hovsepian. Dr. Hovsepian utilizes his advanced lipo sculpting techniques to achieve a more youthful and sculpted neck-jawline appearance, resulting in a “modelesque” aesthetic.
With the use of a single hidden 3mm incision, Dr. Hovsepian’s objective is to address multiple concerns in one procedure. Unwanted fat is carefully removed, allowing for precise sculpting of the jawline to enhance its aesthetics.
The procedure also aims to bring out the stunning and elegant features of a “modelesque” neckline. Additionally, the skin is skillfully “shrink-wrapped” onto the jaw and neckline, further enhancing the overall result.
The ultimate goal of this procedure is to unveil the natural beauty that may have been hidden, while maintaining a harmonious balance with the patient’s existing aesthetics, age, and personality.