This 55-year-old mother of two, patient underwent Dr. Hovsepian’s advanced deep plane facelift with jawline contouring and full neck lift technique. The objective of this case was to:
- Create a natural, youthful-looking facial silhouette without the tell-tale signs of plastic surgery.
- Bring out her natural genetic and skeletal appearance without distorting it.
- Aesthetically blend the midface, face, jawline, and neckline to have harmony among all
aesthetic units with a natural transition versus a jagged or overdone transition far too often seen in the industry of deep plane face lifting. - Create a natural mid-facial volume that will hold its beauty and femininity through time and not fall into the overfilled or over-pulled midface concept seen in the plastic surgery industry.
- Her fear was too much change or an overdone appearance where her family, friends, business associates, and two boys would not be able to recognize her.